Handmade and eco friendly, is our theme in everything we do. I sew and embroider various items including unpaper towels and napkins, embroidered kids hooded towels, table runners, mickey ears, and elf on the shelf clothing. I also make dye free, American farmed soy candles and wax melts, as well as handmade soaps. We are not your everyday candle maker- ingredients are sourced from the usa only and we focus on supporting other small businesses in our sourcing.
I started Shoe City Mama in 2010 when I lived in Haverhill, MA- also known as the shoe city because of the shoe factories there during the industrial revolution. I love to create eco-friendly items for your home, as well as whimsical and fun items for kids. I source my supplies locally whenever possible to support other small businesses and production in the USA.
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