We make bags! Tote bags, hand bags, small pouches, clutches, and everyday bags. We use primarily veg tanned leather, waxed canvas, and cotton/linen fabric in our bag construction.
I am an elementary school teacher and my wife is a speech pathologist who travels between schools. For years we have looked and tried out many bags to carry our papers and supplies, but they just weren't what we were looking for. We decided to make a bag that fits our needs and likely will fit yours as well.
Our journey began with our waxed canvas tote. We designed a bag that was both stylish and functional. Expanding into leather we created a bag that meets many needs. Our leather and waxed canvas totes carry all of our supplies, holding up well as they are tossed in the back of the car.
Next, we created a small, zippered pouch that carries essentials like cords, chargers, and make-up. The construction minimizes spills, tangled cords, and lost chargers. We use them daily and when traveling
Finally, we created our fabric bags that are lightweight and great for carry many things, including the crochet and knitting projects we bring when we travel. Along with our leather hands bags and clutches there are many options to fit any occasion.
We enjoy creating quality items that will last for years. Many of our friends and colleagues have enjoyed using our bags and we hope you will enjoy them too.
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